Sunday, January 26, 2025

Welcoming Back Melania

 Since our election in November, I have been wishing the best for President Trump and his administration.  I trust God will give him the intelligence, compassion and righteousness to lead our great nation forward in a way which has never been done before.  I truly think President Trump loves the United States and is guiding our country and doing it his way.

Last night I watched a show on PBS’s Frontline regarding Trump’s journey.  After every negative encounter throughout his life, he always brushes himself off and fights harder.  I have decided that is what the American people want in their president.  Someone who resists status quo and pushes the envelope.

I have been so encouraged the past week to see the First Lady by his side.  Seeing Melania in North Carolina and California, showed sincere concern for those people who have lost so much.  

God bless our special nation🇺🇸

Love and peace,


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Putting Away Christmas

 Putting away Christmas is a rather melancholic task.  I wonder what will transpire in the coming year.  Who will be born?  Who will die?  What will happen in this world we live in.  Peace on earth?  Or another global war?  Yes, I have these thoughts as I carefully pack up my collected Christmas treasures.

This year I have decided to keep on display some of my valued objects and rekindle the warmth of Christmastime each day until Spring.  Joy to the World🎶


Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2025
