Friday, March 7, 2025

Not Only Do I Decorate For Christmas…

 I love to bring Easter joy to my home. 🐣 Over the years I have slowly amassed the traditional characters with the Easter bunny taking center stage.  The picture of my doubting husband taken in the early 1950’s with Mr. Bunny brings a smile, and I can’t resist the colony of rabbits on my foyer chair to welcome visitors.

My most treasured piece is my very first Easter basket which my dear mother took such good care of through the years.  Again, an adorable floppy-eared bunny is nestled comfortably in it.

I am so glad I purchased my twig tree with steady or twinkling miniature lights.  I originally designated Christmas only as the time it was embellished.  Now I do every special time of the year.  The lights have such a comforting glow in the evening.

Frannie xo

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

DEI and Affirmative Action

 There is so much talk in the news these days about DEI… Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  Years ago, I believe it was referred to as Affirmative Action.

According to, diversity means that we value, recognize and respect everyone’s unique qualities and attributes. Equity means to guarantee, fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all whilst driving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups. Inclusion means that all individuals feel a sense of belonging and know that they are valued.

According to Wikipedia, affirmative action refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to address systemic discrimination. Historically and internationally support for affirmative action has been justified by the idea that it may help with bridging inequalities in employment and pay, increasing access to education, and promoting diversity, social equality and social inclusion. 

When it comes to one’s ability to obtain a work position, I truly think it should be performance and skill.  Each of us has our own skills and abilities for certain tasks.  A simple and obvious example would be our professional athletes.  Each player is best suited for his or her position.  He or she has honed their skills to be the best they can be.  They are the best at what they do and are compensated for their performance.  I cannot imagine the owners of the NFL being required to follow the guidelines of DEI or Affirmative Action.

When I was in school in the 50’s and 60’s, only those students who made the mark were awarded with an “A” or a ribbon.  You did your very best to achieve special recognition.  Those who didn’t excel were encouraged by their peers or teachers to try harder.

I feel as human beings we should try to be open-minded to those individuals who are different whether it be skin color, social class or sexual-orientation.  However, let us use common sense in filling positions with the most qualified individual.

I would love to hear my readers’ opinions in this much-debated subject.



Sunday, January 26, 2025

Welcoming Back Melania

 Since our election in November, I have been wishing the best for President Trump and his administration.  I trust God will give him the intelligence, compassion and righteousness to lead our great nation forward in a way which has never been done before.  I truly think President Trump loves the United States and is guiding our country and doing it his way.

Last night I watched a show on PBS’s Frontline regarding Trump’s journey.  After every negative encounter throughout his life, he always brushes himself off and fights harder.  I have decided that is what the American people want in their president.  Someone who resists status quo and pushes the envelope.

I have been so encouraged the past week to see the First Lady by his side.  Seeing Melania in North Carolina and California, showed sincere concern for those people who have lost so much.  

God bless our special nation🇺🇸

Love and peace,


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Putting Away Christmas

 Putting away Christmas is a rather melancholic task.  I wonder what will transpire in the coming year.  Who will be born?  Who will die?  What will happen in this world we live in.  Peace on earth?  Or another global war?  Yes, I have these thoughts as I carefully pack up my collected Christmas treasures.

This year I have decided to keep on display some of my valued objects and rekindle the warmth of Christmastime each day until Spring.  Joy to the World🎶


Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2025


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Pre-Christmas Family Gathering at Bonnet Creek in Orlando

This year I decided to join my sister and her immediate family at Bonnet Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida, and I am so glad I did.  Usually the holidays can be very nostalgic and despite the hustle and bustle of baking, shopping and decorating, remembering and reminiscing of past Christmases can be daunting.  This year was more joyful knowing I would be spending time with relatives.

The weather was mostly warm and partly cloudy which allowed me to continue my routine of walking every day.  Bonnet Creek Resort has a large lake surrounded by numerous high-rise towers and the landscaping is very tropical and stunning.  The Lazy River is a favorite for children of all ages!  Koi food is available for those little ones who are mesmerized by seeing the fish and turtles swarm to be fed.  Miniature golf is also a popular draw for families.  And, the strategically-placed five pools accommodate the sunbathers and swimmers for the Resort.




Birds of Paradise

Bonnet Creek Resort is a lovely property right next to Disney World.  I think your family would enjoy it.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year ❤️💚 

Peace, love and joy,


Thursday, December 12, 2024

We Three Kings of Orient Are

In June I began a counted cross stitch project thinking I could surely have it finished by Christmas.  At this point, and you can see for yourself, my Nativity Scene will not be completed in time.

Proposed Project

                                                         Where I am at this point…

Actually I am okay with that.  A friend soothed my soul by informing me that according to the Bible, the Three Kings of the Orient did not arrive to meet Jesus until he was two years old.  I am relieved and will take my time finishing the piece and then framing it.  By the way, I so wanted to have it hung on the wall by Christmas Eve, I ordered in advance a specific 10” x 18” “Art to Frames” frame through Amazon.  

Easter is April 20th this coming year.  Maybe that will be my new goal.

